ya taking a hot bubble bath isnt good when you have a fever. But i have heard they are times where you need to sweat out your sickness. 100.2 isnt so bad. You might want to take your temp before you take a bath and then try to only take a 15 min bath once u get out take ur temp again. See if your temp goes up. If it does dramaticly then you know its not good... Also drink lots of fludis when u are in the bath that will help your body not overheat..
Hope you feel better ..Is taking a hot bubble bath while you have a fever good, bad, or irrelevant?
NO HOT BATHS. Try a cool but not cold bath, or no bath.
it is good in the sense that it will help you break your fever, or help to sweat it out. I think it would be good for you.
Well, in a way or another%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;YES!
The bath will affect the fever if it is warm badly.
But, the bath improve your health if it is in a cold (not much)temprature.
Good Luck;)
Hope was able to help!
Taking a bath will bring a fever down if the water isn't too hot. It doesn't have to be cold, just cool. Try taking acetaminophen or ibuprofen and be sure to drink lots of fluids.
If you have a fever you should NOT take a hot bath. Your body is all ready compromised with your fever. You should try to cool off.
If you've taken some tylenol or motrin to help bring your fever down and you don't take a real ';hot'; bath, but a comfortable warm bath it should be fine, you don't want the water too cool or you will chill and that actually keeps your fever up and makes you feel worse. Feel better. Also drinking something cool while you take your bath is a good idea, even if you opt not to take the bath a cool drink when feverish is better then hot (helps bring your body temp down).
depends on your fever
but if mild fever due to a simple flu or cold
i would say its good as it relaxes you (good for recovery) and the hot steam can help bring out sickness (ie steaming when have a cold/flu)
BAD! Take a normal (towards to cold) one. Lower than your body temperature! Go to a doctor!
it is very good to soke in the tub for an hour or so, to help you with your fever or just to relax. but make sure you dont stay in the tub to long
Typically tepid baths are used to bring down fevers in emergencies when your fever reducing medicine isn't doing the job. It's what pediatrians tell mothers to do to their babies in lieu of giving them a lot of medication. If you're going to soak in the tub while running a fever, make sure the water is cool enough to help bring down your fever rather than get you more heated up.
If you must soak make it room temperature. Becareful though getting in a tub could cause many things
higher fever
and more..take some medicine and go to bed
yes its bad if you have a fever , use colder water to bring the ferver down
When my lil sis was in the hospital for a high fever, the doctor put her in cold water, and all night we had to put a cold wet napkin on her to take her fever down. So I would say the hot water will be make you fever worse. You should try cold water instead.
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