Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Do they still make matey bubble bath?

first sold in the sixtysDo they still make matey bubble bath?
Tesco's still do it (the big stores more than the smaller express stores) and I thought I saw some in Sainsburys recently, though I may be mistaken. Superdrug may do it, and so may Somerfield's and Morrissons. Don't think Harrods does it!

It takes me back - a bath twice a week because it cost so much to heat the water. I can still see the container and the colour ...

As a complete aside from that, do you still remember kids in the street at this time of year, calling out 'Penny for the guy?'Do they still make matey bubble bath?
I don't know, I haven't seen it for years.

Matey's a bottle of fun,

You put it in the bath,

It's loved by everyone,

And it's always good for a laugh.

How sad am I that I still remember the ad!!!!!!?
Yes, Superdrug sell it.
yeah my kids have it as stocking fillers from my mum for christmas.
yes tesco's do it!

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