Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What is the best way to have a relaxing lovely bubble bath?

Just want to know the effective nicest way to gain maximum relaxation in a bath. ThanksWhat is the best way to have a relaxing lovely bubble bath?
I threw an electric hair dryer into a feminists bubble bath once. I really miss my hair dryer.

Oh Hi Mafia girl, I didnt realize it was you. Never mind my answer then!What is the best way to have a relaxing lovely bubble bath?
I usually light a few candles, make the water as hot as I can stand it, take a good book and a glass of wine in with me. Also get the aromatherapy bubble bath.
For me it's dark, with one candle by the tub. I haven't tried music, but that could work. My tub isn't really that big so I can't stretch out.

You could check out day spas as well, since they know all about relaxing.
turn off the lights.

have candles.


bubbles with some kind of aromatherapy scent.

just lay back, and close your eyes.
Warm bathroom, light candles, soft music, like Celine Dion, Josh Grobin, make sure you have all the privacy you need..soft bath towels...dim lighting....lots of hot water...enjoy!
soft music
Some wine, candles, a good book, classical music (or other instrumental) and of course bubble bath.

Now when it comes to the water, you want to start it a bit warmer than you really want, because the air will cool the water. This is especially true if you have a porcelain tub during winter time.

This plus the hubby every once in a while is bliss.

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